Table of contents
Article 1 GENERAL
The Association Motocycliste de Pont-de-Vaux (A.M.P.V.), registered under number C3139, is organizing a 4-hour off-road QUAD endurance sporting event called “Les 72 Heures de Pont-de-Vaux” on August 21, 22, 23 and 24, 2025:
Held over 3 rounds, it is raced solo or by teams of 2 riders with a single machine with a minimum cubic capacity of 240 cm3 and a maximum of 1000 cm3.
This international event is registered on the FIM and FIM Europe calendars under number IMN 490/65, as well as on the FFM calendar under number 617.
This event is defined by the present Supplementary Regulations, the FFM Off-Road Endurance Technical Safety Rules and the F.I.M. Sporting Code.
The circuit is approximately 4.1 kilometers long. The track is 8 to 12 metres wide.
The maximum number of entries (including solo and crew entries) is limited to 114.
Kenny Quad Contest is an invitation-only event.
Article 2 REGISTRATION FEES (including race numbers)
Registration is now exclusively online, on You fill in your registration form according to the information you have on hand at the time, respecting all mandatory fields. Payment of your entry fee enables you to open your “registration” account and to complete or modify certain information at any time until August 1, 2025 (except in cases of force majeure). Entries are limited to 114 crews. You can choose your race number between 1 and 114. N°1 is reserved for the defending winner. Your race number will be confirmed by the organizers, who will make the final decision.
ATTENTION : The first to register are the last to pass through the administrative and technical checks. In fact, the order of passage to the controls will be established according to the date of receipt of your entry form and payment of the fees, so the last to enter will be the first to pass.
Entry fees are set at :
Special launch offer 2025: €475 incl. VAT (four hundred and seventy-five euros) before le january 8, 2025
- For French riders: payment by credit card or bank transfer only, payable to Association Motocycliste de Pont-de-Vaux (A.M.P.V.).
- For foreign drivers: payment can only be made by credit card or bank transfer to the Association Motocycliste de Pont-de-Vaux (A.M.P.V.). In the case of bank transfer, €30 will be added to the entry fee to cover bank charges.
Bank details
IBAN : FR76 1009 6181 7600 0147 5830 550 |
Download the RIB: AMPV_RIBengagement
Payment is due immediately. It is refundable in the event of non-selection (Confirmation1st half of July). In the event of withdrawal before the August1, 2025 deadline, entries will be reimbursed on the basis of 50% of the total amount. After this date, the entry fee will not be reimbursed.
For bank transfers, a copy of the bank transfer request must be attached to the registration form.
Any entry not accompanied by payment will not be validated.
Should the event not take place due to force majeure, the organizers will not be held liable to competitors and entry fees will not be reimbursed.
Entries are limited to 114, including solos and crews.
Entries are open until August1, 2025. However, entries are closed as soon as the limit of 114 entries is reached, in the order received.
The closing date can be set earlier, as soon as the 114 entries have been received. A waiting list is then drawn up according to the date on which entries are received. Depending on the number of withdrawals, crews on the waiting list may take part in the race.
Article 4 LICENCES
Only riders in possession of an F.F.M. license, valid national licenses from member countries of the European Union, LUE and F.I.M. zones, and “1-event LJA” licenses are admitted; the latter is limited according to available places or in the event of an incomplete grid. To obtain a “1-event” license, you must be in possession of a medical certificate less than 1 year old stating that you are not contraindicated in the practice of motorcycle sport in competition.
The “1-event LJA” license forms can be downloaded from the FFM website
National licenses from outside the EU zone must be regularized with an F.I.M. stamp and authorization to leave the country.
(See complete schedule in Appendix 1)
Download the KeNNY QUAD CONTEST program: 2025_ProgrCONTEST
(subject to change)
DEPUTY RACE DIRECTORS/ Michel BERNARD 003604 / / Franck LEGRIS 179400
ROAD MARSHALS / Track marshals, FFM, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes league and neighbouring clubs
Animals (including guard dogs and other animals) are forbidden inside the circuit, in the pits and in areas reserved for riders, mechanics, signalmen and representatives of the industry and the press.
Smoking is strictly forbidden in the pits. A few “smoking” areas are marked out on the strip of land behind the south side of the taxiway.
Article 8 FLAGS
(See Appendix 2)
The crew is made up of one pilot for the solo category or 2 pilots for the duo category. No changes in crew composition may be made after August 1, 2025 , except in cases of force majeure.
Competitors must be at least 15 years old on the date of the event.
From the age of 15 and up to the age of 18, machine displacement is limited to a maximum of 550cc, 2T and 4T.
Attention new 2025 Contest/Kids stands will now be numbered (from 1 to 171), and your stand number will be allocated to you by the organizer. You must respect this location (for those who wish to be grouped together, please send your requests to Véronique by e-mail: before August 1, 2025). After this date, the plan will be frozen.
Access to the runners’ park and in particular to the Contest paddock is authorized and controlled from Wednesday August 20, 2025 at 08:00.
Each crew has a fixed surface area of 12m x 5m (i.e. 60m²) and a maximum of 2 “paddock” stickers depending on the size of the vehicles for those authorized to park in the paddock. Vehicles bearing these stickers must park in their space without encroaching on the traffic lane, safety lanes or other spaces.
During the race, each crew has a numbered 3m x 3m space in the Stand Contest area, known as the refuelling area, where they can carry out repairs and refuel. An area is also set aside in this park for signage. Placement in the pit area is free. There are 114 stands, each measuring 3mx3m.
No parking is allowed on traffic or safety lanes, under penalty of removal.
Unused trailers are parked in a special area defined by the organization. They remain the responsibility of the crews.
The other vehicles of the crew are parked in the first “P1” park (maximum 2 vehicles per crew with specific “P1” stickers handed out at the reception of the runners’ park). Additional “P1 vehicle” stickers can be purchased at the Parc coureurs reception desk.
Anyone wishing to access the refreshment and/or signage area during the race must be insured and hold at least an “assistant day rider” license (€20 for the event), a sports license (NCO, etc.) or an executive license.
We would like to remind you that the organizing motorcycling association does not provide personal accident insurance cover for non-members of the organization in the pit area.
Competitors must comply with the environmental rules laid down by the organizer and provided for in the FFM regulations.
A deposit of €50 will be required for the cleaning of the paddock and pit area during administrative checks. This deposit will be reimbursed only at the end of the event; reimbursement will be made after verification of the cleanliness of the premises by an official of the organization.Reminder: smoking is strictly forbidden in the pit area. In the paddock, barbecues, open fires and welding are forbidden.
When you arrive at the reception desk in the parc coureur, the organization will hand over all the team badges or wristbands, the vehicle stickers and the numbered AV plate to the person designated (see entry form) to represent the team.
Teams must provide a list of those present at the same time as the entry form. This list is necessary for the allocation of crew wristbands. It consists of : 2 drivers, 1 mechanic, 1 panel builder, 2 attendants, i.e. a total of 6 bracelets.
Children under 12 years of age must wear an “attendant” bracelet. Children under 4 years of age are not allowed in the refreshment area, but only in the Public Zone.
Additional bracelets for accompanying persons may be purchased at the administrative checks, up to a limit of 3 per crew. Please note that once the administrative checks have been completed, it will no longer be possible to purchase the 3 additional passes. Wristbands and stickers are reserved for the crew or assistance only.
– Article 12-1 Clothing
During activities, riders must wear a complete crossman or endurist outfit in resistant material covering torso and arms, pants and gloves in resistant material and knee-high boots in leather or equivalent material.
Protections that do not have the FFM label must comply with the following standards:
- Back protection Standard EN 1621-2
- Chest protector Standard EN 14021 and EN 1621-3
- Integral vest (integrated chest and back) EN 14021 or EN 1621-3 for chest and EN 1621-2 for back.
– Item 12-2 Helmet
During activities, riders wear an approved helmet.
Helmets must be correctly fastened, properly adjusted and in good condition. It must be fitted with a chinstrap fastening system.
All helmets must be marked with one of the following official international standards approval marks: FIM, Europe / ECE 22/05, ECE 22/06, Great Britain BSA and B, USA SNELL+2010 or Japan JLS.T8133 2007. No protruding objects, lights, cameras, etc. may be placed on the helmet. Cameras are strictly forbidden on helmets.
Helmets with an aerodynamic appendage (spoiler) are forbidden, except for those originally approved with this accessory.
For eye protection, the use of goggles, safety glasses, visors and disposable visors with a tear-off attachment or recuperator is authorized. Eye protection and goggles must be made of unbreakable safety material. Helmet visors must not be an integral part of the helmet.
The numbered AV plate in the organization’s colors (size 28×23 cm) must be fitted.
The plate must be fitted on the front fairing and not on the front bumper. It is compulsory from the beginning to the end of the event.
The rear plate is made of a flexible, non-rigid material (metal is forbidden for safety reasons). It must be positioned like the model below, with black numbers on a white background, legible for better tracking. These should be affixed to the left and right sides, so as to be visible from both sides (provide a white reflectorized adhesive background).

The chain drive is fitted with a shoe or housing (mandatory) at the bottom to protect the sprocket and disc. A rear bumper is fitted. In the case of a bumper, both ends must be rounded, with a minimum tube diameter of 15 mm. The overall width of the quad must not exceed 1300 mm.
Round nerf-bars without protruding parts are provided on each side of the quad. They feature straps attached to the front and rear of the footrest (see FFM Elite and AMA regulations) on the nerf-bar tube, designed to prevent the rider’s foot from accidentally touching the ground.
Handlebars must be fitted with a padded crossbar guard. Handlebars without a crossbar must be fitted with a padded guard in the middle of the handlebar, covering the handlebar flanges to a large extent. The exposed ends of the handlebars are plugged with a solid material, or covered with rubber.
- Mandatory gearbox output segment.
- Chain protection segment mandatory.
- Maltese cross front bumper forbidden. No protruding parts accepted.
- Original chain and disc protection authorized
On-board cameras are for organization use only.
Studded tires are prohibited
SOLO ” category – ” DUO ” category – ” HANDIDSPORT ” category
- 4×4 class: 4-wheel drive quad with independent transmission, displacement over 450 cm3.
- Class 4×2: 2-wheel drive quads such as the Raptor, TRX 700 and other Outlaw 525, displacement greater than 450 cm3
VETERAN category: 37 years of age as of January1, 2024.
PDVRETRO category: 2-stroke quad, engine capacity over 240cc; examples of vehicles sought and admitted: HONDA TRX 250 to 500 cc quads – Yamaha Banshee 350cc and over – Kawasaki Tecate 4 – EML – RST – Suzuki LT 250/500 cc quadracer and quadzilla – VLS – EXY – STAR TRACK – 2-stroke proto having competed in the 12 Hours.
Competitors are reminded that they are entirely responsible for their machines and equipment throughout the event. Under no circumstances may they invoke the civil liability of the organizing motorcycle association in the event of theft or damage.
Administrative and technical checks will take place on the circuit on Thursday, August 21, 2025 from 08:00 to 16:00.
Drivers must present themselves at the administrative checkpoint at the time indicated on the entry confirmation. Any delay of more than 2 minutes will be penalized. Drivers must present themselves with :
- Confirmation of commitment
- Their license
- Their ID
- A deposit of 250€ in exchange for the transponder for electronic timing. The deposit is not refunded if the transponder is lost. A deposit of €50 is required for cleaning the stand and for chasubles supplied by the organizers. This deposit will be reimbursed at the end of the event, after verification of the cleanliness of the premises and the equipment loaned by an official of the organization.
- Foreign pilots must also present an exit permit.
After administrative check-in, drivers must report immediately for technical inspection.
The machines are clean, and the paint marks on the earlier proofs have been removed.
The correct operation of the front and rear lights simultaneously, the circuit-breaker and the installation of the front/rear plates are checked.
The machine frame is lead-sealed and numbered.
The presentation of the manual quick-fill system with valve is checked.
The noise level according to the current FIM and FFM standards limited to 109 decibels at 2 m is checked. A deviation of 2Db from the value recorded at the time of the check is permitted.
A 6kg fire extinguisher of an approved model for hydrocarbon fires must be displayed and marked.
After administrative and technical checks, convoys are organized to take riders and quads to the town for presentation. At the end of the technical inspection, the machines are parked under the responsibility of the pilots, waiting for the departure in convoy on order of the organizer, framed by vehicles of the organization.
Any pilot who goes in town in quad by the road, except convoy, is sanctioned by the gendarmerie and by the organization. It is strictly forbidden to use non-approved quads in the Pont-de-Vaux urban area and on public roads.
All drivers must be present at the presentation on Thursday evening. They are dressed in racing gear and helmets. They take part in the presentation of the teams to the public on the podium in reverse number order from 5.30 pm to 10.00 pm. The 1-2 riders and their machines will be given an invitation at the administrative check-in desk, stating the time at which they are to clock in and present themselves on the podium. In the event of failure to attend, the crew will not be allowed on the podium, and will not be photographed.
The quads must leave the presentation podium and set up in the main street of the town center, before being paraded back in convoy to the runners’ park, wearing a helmet and with only one person on the quad (the rider only). Participation in the parade after the public presentation and the return to the circuit must take place in the convoy set up by the organizers.
Article 16 BRIEFING
All drivers must attend the briefing. Attendance may be verified by drivers signing in. Venue and times are specified in the program (see schedule, appendix 1).
Article 17 TESTS
Free and timed tests are scheduled (see schedule in Appendix 1).
The use of a “mule” is strictly forbidden. Testing is carried out with the race machine presented at scrutineering.
Article 18 GRIDLING
In the same order as the time trials, and under the orders of a marshal, the drivers leave the pit area and take their machines to the starting grid 30 minutes before the start of each heat. They line up along the barrier, facing the public, in the order of the numbers shown on the starting grid.
ATTENTIONAccess to the track will be closed 20 minutes before the start of each heat.
In this case, the latecomer will be immobilized at the exit of the pit area under the orders of a steward, and on the steward’s orders will not be allowed to start until all the competitors who have started the heat have passed the pit area.
Starts are given “LE MANS” style, with machines placed on the left-hand side of the track with the engine stopped, and drivers wearing their circuit-breaker (connected by a cord to the driver) on the right-hand side.
Assistance with the installation of circuit-breaker brackets (pins, plastic, matches, etc.) is forbidden and punished.
No mechanical intervention or refuelling of any kind is tolerated on the start line during this pre-grid period.
Only the starting driver and one driver or accompanying person wearing a race number are allowed in the start area. All other crew members must remain behind the safety barriers.
Article 19 DEPARTURE
On the orders of the race director 10′ before the start time of each heat, drivers position themselves along the right-hand side of the low wall, with one heel glued against the wall.
An official supervises the positioning of the driver and is able to note and establish a statement of fact which may be sanctioned for failure to comply with the start procedure (2′ penalty).
The race director, positioned at the start line, directs the starting procedure.
The start is given under the tricolour flag by the race director or a person designated under his responsibility, after passing the “30 seconds” sign and then the “5 seconds” sign.
Quads that fail to start will receive assistance (from the rider or a companion wearing an authorized number in the start area) after the race director has given them authorization by means of the green flag.
In the event of heavy rain, the race director may decide to start the race under the “Safety-Car” system.
Article 20 PANELING
Only a person wearing a “driver”, “signaller” or “mechanic” wristband and wearing a chasuble is authorized to access the signalling area.
Signalling is carried out from the low wall alongside the pit area, in an area marked out for this purpose. It is forbidden to go beyond the wall.
You can follow the results on TV frequency 69 UHF/PAL, on the internet at (live) and on the radio on channel 108 FM, streaming on the “72h de Pont-de-Vaux” Facebook page.
Article 22 STAND WAY
The speed limit along the entire length of the pit lane is 20 km/h maximum. It is forbidden to stop or obstruct the pit lane.
All driver changes must take place in the pit area, off the deceleration track and with the engine stopped.
An environmental mat (FFM standard) and a 5-liter bucket of absorbent material, at your own expense, are mandatory in the refuelling and mechanics area.
A 6 kg fire extinguisher (water extinguisher forbidden) must be permanently installed in the refuelling area.
The fuel used must be unleaded fuel normally sold on the market. There must never be more than 20 liters of fuel in stock in the pit area. The use of metal jerry cans is compulsory, as recommended by the SDIS 01. Plastic jerry cans are strictly forbidden, even in trucks.
Refuelling must take place in the pits, with the engine switched off, except for maintenance or mechanical operations, and with the rider no longer on the machine.
Only rapid filling is permitted (mobile manual device with built-in valve, etc.).
This must be done with a team member wearing appropriate clothing and holding the fire extinguisher, ready to intervene, next to the feeder.
The feeder must wear a cotton suit with long sleeves and legs, helmet with visor, goggles and gloves (Nomex-type overalls recommended).
All “derrick” type installations (scaffolding with fuel tanks) are forbidden, as is filling with jerrycans or cans and funnels.
All parts except the frame can be replaced.
Mechanical work other than refuelling must be carried out in the pits and outside the refuelling zone. Welding is forbidden in the pits.
The rider, his machine and his transponder form an inseparable whole. Any change of machine is forbidden.
The radio link with the pits is forbidden.
Machines may be examined by the stewards at any time to ensure that no machine or marked part has been changed.
A machine found to be too noisy must be brought into conformity. It will only be allowed to run the next round if the technical steward has confirmed that it is in compliance. Any change of muffler must be made with a muffler that has been checked and marked during the technical inspection.
The mandatory circuit breaker must be connected to the rider at all times when he is on his machine.
Riders who are not wearing their race number, or whose number is detached, or whose name or official sponsor logo is obscured, must stop immediately at their stand to remedy the situation.
Riders are protected by their clothing, and sleeves must cover the whole of their arms.
At the end of the race, the stewards check that no irregularities have been committed.
Any rider who finds himself immobilized on the track (engine stalled, etc…) must first evacuate his quad in order to clear it from the track.
Makeshift and rapid repairs will be carried out on the edge of the track under the protection of a track marshal, by the rider only, provided that the machine is properly parked and presents no danger to the safety of all. All outside assistance, including mechanics, is forbidden. Mechanics, assistance or help is forbidden outside the pits.
In the event of a total breakdown, at the request of the driver by calling the nearest track marshal’s post, the race direction will order the dispatch of an official towing quad. If this procedure is initiated, the crew will automatically be penalized. All other means of towing are strictly forbidden.
Should an incident occur during the race (weather conditions or any other cause) which jeopardizes safety and makes normal competition impossible, the race director may decide to neutralize the race under the “Safety-Car” regime by displaying the SC“Safety-Car” sign.
In this case, a specially-marked vehicle equipped with orange flashing lights drives along the track from its position at the timing exit, at moderate speed. The yellow flag is presented to the marshals’ posts, and riders catching up with the Safety-Car line up behind it in single file. It is forbidden to overtake the Safety-Car.
For the duration of the neutralisation, an SC “Safety-Car” sign is placed after the timing exit to inform the riders. During the “Safety-Car” procedure, mechanical interventions and refuelling are authorized. The track may be resumed in accordance with the following procedure: the pit exit will remain open for 30 seconds after the Safety-Car has passed.
When the Safety-Car is recalled by the Race Director, he will switch on a blue flashing light, and overtaking will remain prohibited until the Safety-Car leaves the track to return to his post at the timing exit. Each lap completed during the Safety-Car’s intervention is counted as a race lap. If the race is stopped by a red flag, the procedure is the same as for the finish of a heat, with all machines returning to the pits.
The finish is judged on the leading crew of the current round.
For all 3 heats, finishers face the timing post and the chequered flag is waved at the timing chicane.
After the chequered flag is lowered, all drivers slow down and remain in their respective positions. Overtaking is forbidden. Drivers follow the race direction vehicle along the track to the parc coureur.
Article 29 RANKING
The overall classification is established at the end of the second heat, based on the total number of laps completed in each heat.
The team having completed the greatest number of laps, all legs combined, is declared the winner of the PDV KENNY QUAD CONTEST. In the event of a tie in the number of laps, the ranking will be based on the cumulative time of the 3 legs.
For the 3 heats, any crew crossing the finish line more than 10 minutes behind the leading crew will not have its last lap counted.
Only quads crossing the finish line within 10 minutes of the chequered flag in the second heat are classified.
Article 30 CLAIMS
Protests are lodged in accordance with the terms of the Sporting Code, article 510 and following. They are handed to the Race Director.
All protests are admissible during the race and within a maximum period of 30 minutes after the standings for each round have been posted. After this time, they will no longer be accepted.
Complaints relating to the ranking are received together with a fee of €75, refundable if the complaint is well-founded.
Article 31 PENALTIES
The event is a sporting race. Safety and sportsmanship dictate rules that must be understood and applied. If these rules are not followed, sanctions will be applied.
Any action likely to endanger the lives of others or safety will be sanctioned. The same applies to any insult or aggressive gesture towards the organization, a steward, another driver, a member of his team or another team.
The sanctions taken by the jury in accordance with the sporting code may be: a warning, a reprimand, a time penalty, a fine which may not exceed €450, downgrading, exclusion from the event, referral to the disciplinary body.
Please refer to the list of penalties.
The crew forms a cohesive group. In the event of any breach of the rules involving one or more members of a crew, or any behavior or conduct prejudicial to the smooth running of the event, the whole team will be considered responsible and may be excluded from the competition with immediate effect. Drivers are responsible for the behaviour of all members of their team.
In accordance with law 91-32, all advertising for tobacco or alcohol is forbidden on the circuit.
- All advertising and promotional activities on the organization’s premises or around the circuit (stands, parks, track, village, etc.) must be approved in advance by the AMPV. All advertising and promotional displays in and on the stands are strictly forbidden, unless expressly agreed by the AMPV.
- The parks reserved for competitors, assistance and firms are made available to enable them to take part in the event in the most satisfactory technical conditions possible. They may not be used for advertising, commercial or public relations purposes without the prior agreement of the AMPV.
- All aerial advertising, promotional or public relations activities in the airspace above the circuit and surrounding municipalities are strictly forbidden without the prior written consent of the AMPV and other competent administrative authorities.
- Official race numbers must be worn and visible throughout the event, including official ceremonies (podium, finish press conference, etc.). The race number is included in the entry fee and will be retained by the driver after the race.However, for promotional and press purposes, drivers may have their jerseys flocked with elements of the official race number, in full compliance with the specifications provided by the AMPV regarding positioning, color and dimensions; however, the driver must wear the race number during practice and the races.
Article 33 INSURANCE
The organizer has taken out insurance.
In the event of an accident, the cost of transport by ambulance from the 72 Hours of Pont de Vaux circuit to the hospital will be borne by the participants.
For “one-event” licenses issued by the FFM, foreign riders who are not nationals of a member country of the European Union do not benefit from any coverage attached to this license. During administrative checks, you can take out additional bodily injury cover. If you refuse, we ask you to sign a liability waiver.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in a penalty.
Competitors agree to abide by the regulations and accept all clauses.
Any points not covered by these regulations will be decided by the Jury, in accordance with the provisions of the reference texts
. They also agree to abide by the decisions taken by the organizers and recognize as the sole sporting jurisdiction that established by the F.F.M. Sporting Code.
Please contact the Pont-de-Vaux Tourist Office for a list of hotels, campsites and B&Bs:
Tel : 00.33. (0) 2 – Fax and answering machine: 00.33. (0)
e-mail :
Article 36 PRICE LIST
1st place > 400 € in Kenny gift vouchers +
cup2nd > 300 € in Kenny gift vouchers +
cup3rd > 200 € in Kenny vouchers + cup
Podium SOLO Class > cup
Podium Class DUO > cup
Podium Cross country 4×2 class > cup
Podium Cross country 4×4 class > > c up
Podium PDVRETRO Class > cup
Podium HANDISPORT Class > cup
Podium VETERAN Class > cup
Podium Feminine crew Podium Aindinois* Solo or Duo 100% licensed in Ain > cup
Women’s crew podium Cross country > cup
Youth podium -16 years (100% crew -16 years) > cup
They were the voices of the Mondial, and René Geret would have loved to see “an old-timer” honored.
The René Geret Trophy will be awarded to the highest-ranked Kenny Quad Contest driver born before January 1, 1971.
Yves Crouzet would have loved to see “the youngest” honored.
The Yves Crouzet Trophy will be awarded to the youngest driver ranked at Kenny Quad Contest.
These penalties may be increased by decision of the jury (serious misconduct, repeat offence).
- Circuit-breaker not plugged in at the start or not working or assistance > Penalty 3 laps to exclusion
- Any insult or aggressive gesture towards the organization, a steward, another driver, a member of his team or another team. > Penalty: €100 + 3′ penalty to exclusion
- Fraudulent use of badges and non-compliance with badge allocation conditions, fraudulent use of vehicle sticker > Penalty: €100 + 2′ penalty to exclusion
- Refuelling or mechanics between rounds > Penalty: 2′ penalty to exclusion
- Unauthorized use of mini-motorbikes or other equipment within the circuit enclosure > Penalty: 2′ penalty to exclusion
- External assistance outside the pit (e.g. changing glasses) > Penalty: 2′ penalty to exclusion
- Exceeding current noise standards (112Db at the end of the race) > Penalty: 2′ penalty to exclusion
- Return to the pits by official tow > Penalty: 6′ penalty
- More than 2 minutes delay at the administrative checkpoint > Penalty: 2′ penalty
- Mechanic or attendant in the start area > Penalty: 2′ penalty
- Non-compliance with safety or other instructions in the pits (welding, smokers, etc…), pit lane, signs, etc. > Penalty: 2% penalty
- Non-compliance with fuel management procedures: Maximum stock in pit exceeded, absence of metal jerry can in storage area, fuel storage in team vehicles and trailers, > Penalty: Penalty to exclusion
- Engine not stopped in pit during refuelling > Penalty: 2′ penalty
- Excessive speed in the pits >20 km/h > Penalty: 2′ penalty
- Early start > Penalty: 2′ penalty
- Passing a competitor under the yellow flag > Penalty: 2′ penalty
- Passing a competitor under “Safety-Car” conditions > Penalty: 2′ penalty
- Cutting the circuit > Penalty: 6′ to exclusion
- Reverse direction on circuit or in pits > Penalty: 6′ to exclusion,
Appendix 2 FLAGS