Kenny Quad Contest

between sprint and endurance, the antechamber to the MONDIAL!
The ” Kenny Quad Contest” site integrates the fundamentals of the event, with a foretaste of the notion of endurance that the majority of competitors approve of, and which makes the 72 Hours of Pont-de-Vaux such a success.
Depending on the year, the event is divided into 2 or 3 rounds, each lasting 4 hours. In 2025, drivers will compete in 3 rounds over the 3 days of the event, on a 4.1 km circuit identical to that of the Mondial.
Teams can enter one or two drivers, who will either drive in relays or each drive a specific heat.
It’s also a way of getting ready to take the plunge for those who may eventually be tempted by the World Cup.
Friday will be an endurance race, with 2 hours of driving. On Saturday and Sunday, the sprinting skills of the drivers will be put to the test, with 2 one-hour races.
Every year, the AMPV (Association Motocycliste de Pont-de-Vaux) sees an influx of entry requests, but the circuit is homologated by the FFM (Fédération Française de Motocyclisme) and cannot exceed 114 quads entered.
The contest features several categories, each with its own specific awards. The machines are listed according to cylinder capacity and 2 or 4-stroke. They are then specified as solo or duo.
Cross-country machines are also classified as either 4X2 or 4X4.
Then come the classifications with additional prize-giving ceremonies: Cross-country, Handisport, Women’s and Women’s Cross-country, Retro, Veteran, Under-16 and Aindinois.